I can’t believe I am on year FOUR of writing these yearly recaps/reflections! If you’re interested, you can check out my recaps from 2020, 2018, 2017 (I guess I missed 2019, oops lol). Here are some big things that happened for me in 2021:
Getting Vaccinated (COVID-19)

Proud to say that I am double vaxxed and boosted! With Jon being immunocompromised and me visiting my grandparents so often, it was imperative for me to get vaccinated as soon as I could! Thankfully through Duke I was able to get my 1st vaccination in early January. Here’s to hoping we don’t have to learn any more of the Greek alphabet in 2022!
Official Blog Branding

I have been wanting cohesive branding for my business and blog for a LONG time (but knew that it was something I needed to reaaaalllly research and invest in), and in January Built by Brandt helped make my vision a reality! A year later I am still in love with it, and I feel like it really encompasses me AND my brand.
PT School Graduation

After 4 years of undergrad and 3 years of PT school, in May I finally graduated from Duke University with my Doctor of Physical Therapy! If you’ve been here from the beginning, then you know the hard work it took to get here. I have been working towards this goal since high school, and I am still in awe that it this is my reality! Thankfully COVID let us catch a break (even if only for a short period), and we were able to have an in-person graduation (outside!) with 2 guests. I am so grateful that my mom and Jon were able to be there with me physically to help celebrate my big day. I even got to give a speech as Vice President which was such an honor!
Becoming a Licensed PT

This one kinda goes with graduating, but MAN was getting here a journey! I failed my 1st NPTE attempt in July (spoiler alert: I passed in October!) and had to spend an additional 3 months studying when it seemed like all of my classmates were getting jobs and moving on with their lives. I also lost my paternal grandfather (someone who was a big part of my life) a few days after finding out I failed, which came with its own set of emotions and setbacks. I learned a lot about myself during those grueling 6 months of studying (and it was NOT easy), but honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Failing the NPTE was a blessing in disguise, and I know I will be a better physical therapist because of it. After passing the NPTE in October and becoming licensed in NC, I began working as a pediatric PT in early intervention/home health at the end of November! It has been my dream to work in pediatrics since volunteering at a Muscular Dystrophy Camp in undergrad, and now I get to serve children ages 0-3 years in their natural environments every day! I have been working for a little over a month and while it has been a hard adjustment, I really do love my job so much.
New Friendships

Graduating meant that most of my classmates were moving away, and those friendships I cultivated over the past 3 years would now be stressed by distance. Thankfully I mustered up the courage to download Bumble BFF in September, and I found a gem of a human (I doubt she’s reading this but hey Caro!) who introduced me to a group of girls (that she met on Facebook lol) that I have gotten so close with over the past few months. Making friends as an adult is DAMN hard, but I really I lucked out and found some great ones (thanks internet!).
Brand Partnerships

This year I was fortunate enough to work with ~20 brand partners including FIGS, Aerie, Beyond Yoga, Neutrogena, Capri Blue, Ralph Lauren Fragrances, Zebra Pen, Thinx, TJ Maxx, and Vera Bradley! I formed long-term partnerships with 3 of these brands, and I tested my creativity by tapping into more video content this year (hello IG Reels and Tiktok!). I also invested in a DSLR camera and found a fellow blogger friend in Raleigh to shoot with consistently, which really upped my content quality!
Word of the Year
Instead of creating resolutions for 2022 (I never really keep up with them anyway), I am instead choosing a word that will guide, encourage, and motivate me throughout the year (and I also think this is a more tangible way to make little changes daily).
For 2021, my word of the year was INTENTION, and I want to continue with that word in 2022 because I feel like I need some more time to really focus on it: I want to be intentional every day, and focus on being in the moment instead of looking forward to the “next big thing”. I so often forget to enjoy the now, and this past year has reminded me of how short and precious this life is. Here are a few ways I plan to be intentional in 2022:
- Reading for pleasure
- Planning/batching content in advance
- Beginning the morning with a solid routine
- Prioritizing self-care and rest
- Journaling daily
- Less screen time
- Being conscious of the foods I am consuming
- Purposeful movement daily
Business Goals
I will also be creating goals for my business and blog again this year, I just haven’t had the time to sit down and reflect on last year’s goals. One thing I do know is that I was only ~$9,000 off from my revenue goal (and that goal was a BIG STRETCH let me tell you), so I’m really proud of myself for that!
That’s all I have for you tonight friends1 I’ve got some big things coming in 2022, and I can’t wait to see all that happens in this new year! Hope you stay along for the ride 🙂

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