I have had so much fun creating holiday content over the past few weeks! I have been inspired by so many other content creators lately to step up my photo game, and post more than just pictures of me smiling at the camera. My best friend Lindsay and I decided to shoot holiday content together this year, so I thought it would be fun to round up my favorite shots and create a photoshoot guide!
1. A store with a holiday display
It shouldn’t be hard to find a holiday display in your town. This little market was the cutest, and the perfect photo-op!

2. Pose with a wreath
I got this idea from Emma, and these actually turned out to be some of my favorites pictures I’ve ever taken!

3. Next to a Christmas tree
I feel like this idea is the easiest, just stand next to your tree and you’re set!

4. Holding presents
Want to know a secret? These are just empty Amazon boxes I had laying around haha. These “presents” are easy props AND you can make your Christmas tree look full for the entire holiday season!

5. Make Christmas cookies
Who doesn’t love baking during the holidays? I’m not going to take the credit for this beautiful snowflake cookie though, my SIL decorated it (AND she shot this picture)!

6. Poinsettias
Don’t poinsettias just scream Christmas? Pro tip: check your local Home Depot for poinsettias, my mom picked these up on Black Friday for .88 each (regularly $2.98)—another great photo prop!

7. Pose with a Christmas Mug
I may or may not have a mug obsession currently, so of course I had to shoot a few pictures to show them off!

8. Christmas Tree Farm
This Christmas tree farm had the CUTEST blue truck that was so festive and perfect for holiday pictures!

9. Make hot chocolate with a friend
Shoutout to Lindsay for this idea! Oh yea I have another secret for ya: those presents under the tree are the empty boxes, and we didn’t even get to drink this hot chocolate haha (it was cold by the time we were done with these shots).

I am throughly enjoying tapping into my creative side through blogging/content creation, and I am excited to see how my content evolves over the next year! Hope these photoshoot ideas were inspiring; HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

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