The blogging world is VERY white, so today I wanted to share some of my favorite black content creators! When I first started blogging in 2017, I struggled to find creators who looked like me. It seemed like all the “big” and “popular” bloggers were white, which was definitely discouraging as a WOC. Diversity and representation are so important, and I hope that over the next few years, brands will start recognizing and collaborating with more black women (and WOC in general) in the influencer space! Hopefully, this post will help you discover some new faces, and to diversify your Instagram feed!
(P.s. these accounts are not listed in any particular order)
1. Dashaé, @thecurlyclinician

You bet I’m including myself on this list (#shamelessplug). In 2020 especially I have loved creating lifestyle content and growing my business and brand. Thank you for your constant love and support over the years!
2. Lindsay, @lindsayerinn

My bestie gal! Lindsay is one of the most creative people I know. She shares affordable fashion and her everyday life while making it all look so effortless! She takes majority of my photos, and I don’t know what I would do without her friendship, creative direction, and inspiration!
3. Mattie, @themattiejames

THE Mattie James, keeping the gworls booked and busy all 2021! I am so glad that I found Mattie, and I will always ride for her because of how much her content has personally helped me with my brand and business. She’s a full-time lifestyle content creator and mom who’s focus is to get black women PAID!
4. Tanya, @lifeoftanyamarie

Tanya is a Congolese-American lifestyle creator based in Texas. Tanya is beautiful AND hilarious—whenever I need a good laugh, her reels always get the job done!
5. Kendall, @astoldbykendall

Bomb content creator AND family nurse practitioner? Maybe one day Kendall will take her foot off our necks. If you’re looking for the perfect balance between travel and lifestyle content, Kendall’s feed is IT. Even her mirror selfies are high quality!
6. Anya, @surgeryandthecity

Anya is a WHOLE PHYSICIAN, and her feed always brightens my day. Her expertise: colorful + bold fashion and helpful tips for medical school!
7. Ijeoma, @ijeomakola

Ijeoma is one of the many bloggers that inspired me to finally bite the bullet and start posting lifestyle content in 2020. She was the push I needed, and she’s proof that you can pursue higher education AND achieve success as a content creator!
8. Lis, @misslisaamarie

Lis is your gal for all things faith, lifestyle, and millennial marriage. She’s the best hype woman, and I look forward to her #WeddedWednesday posts every week!
9. Angelica, @genuinely_aa

Raleigh gals unite! Whenever I need inspiration to create content, Angelica is one of my go-tos! Her polished feed and authenticity are a breath of fresh air, and her captions are motivational as heck!!!
10. Desirae, @desiraeathome

She has since changed her IG handle, but you can find this Cincinnati mama “changing diapers and playing with power tools”; and she is TA-LEN-TED let me tell you! Her DIY’s are AMAZING, and her lifestyle content is so relatable.
11. Tomi, @goodtomicha

Tomi is a fellow NC blogger, and I love her weekly Bachelor chats! She covers pop culture, lifestyle, skincare, advocacy…you name it! Tomi’s brand is multifaceted, and I love that about her. Let’s normalize encouraging you to vote on Monday and then telling you about the sale that’s happening on Friday! Content creators ARE human!
12. Marche, @marcherobinson

Marche somehow manages to kill it as an attorney AND a lifestyle creator (sharing style, beauty, and travel)—I basically want to be her when I grow up!
13. Trisha, @threethousandmiles

Trisha is a medical student and travel blogger that makes me want to pack up my life and move to another country. She has encouraged me throughout my entire blogging journey, and her feed is beautiful!
14. Amanda, @sequinsandsales

The CEO of keeping it real! I love how authentic Amanda is—she isn’t afraid to tell it like it is. She stands up for what she believes in, and she looks cute while doing it! Her feminine style is everything; maybe one day I’ll look as good as she does in a midi skirt…
15. Janea, @jnaydaily

Janea is one of the most encouraging creators I follow, and her feed is to DIE for—she hits ya with all the *dreamy home decor goodness* you could ever want!
16. Laura, @laurascottandco

Laura is a Dermatologist (Harvard MD!) and a mama to 4 beautiful girls! I love learning about motherhood and skincare from her; her content puts the “life” (#real) in lifestyle!
17. Venita, @venitaaspen

A fellow 4C gal, Venita is one of the creators I think of when I think #blackgirlmagic! She kills it with her beauty, fashion, and lifestyle content, so you should have been following her YESTERDAY! Her southern style is everything!
18. Anna, @annamaegroves

Anna is a DIY and beauty QUEEN, not to mention she’s hilarious! She is honestly so so sweet, and I thoroughly enjoy learning more about her, her faith, and her family.
19. Adrianna, @the.fro.doc

If you’re looking for educational, lifestyle, and/or beauty content, you’ve got to follow Adrianna! She’s a 3rd-year medical student in Florida that somehow still manages to kill it on the ‘gram. Her feed is so colorful, and don’t even get me started on her HAIR!
20. Jessica, @itsjessicalindsay

Jessica’s content is top tier! She’s a lifestyle creator based in New York, with great visuals/images AND captions! She’s another constant source of motivation and inspiration, and I’m so excited to see how she grows as a *new* full-time blogger!
21. Dayna, @daynabolden

Dayna is an Atlanta-based content creator that just launched her healthy lifestyle community “Define Bold Fitness”! She’s in the business of “inspiring women to go BOLDLY after their goals”, all while killing it with her beauty, lifestyle, fashion, and motherhood content!
Hopefully you’ve found some new content creators to check out!

Love this so much!! Thank you for including me!
Yay I’m so glad! You’re so so welcome Anya!