I’m the QUEEN of procrastination, so if you’re anything like me, then you always wait until the very last minute to decide what you’re going to be for Halloween. Whether you’re headed to a party or passing out candy to trick-or-treaters, here are THREE easy last minute costumes that you can pull off with things you already own (+ a trip to Party City or Target for a few accessories/props if you want to go all out):
1. Witch
A Halloween classic! This is the easiest one in my opinion. Just wear black and add some props and BOOM, costume complete!

Dress: Any black dress that you already own! Mine is from Old Navy (last season or I would link it).
Shoes: Honestly any black shoe will do. I went with these chunky Chelsea-style boots from Rocket Dog!
Cape: You can probably purchase one from Amazon, Party City, or Target (which is where I got mine)! OR, you can make your own (I’m not talented enough for that but if you are, more power to ya)!
Hat: Most Halloween stores should sell a witch’s hat (or you should be able to find one at any of the places listed above). I got this one from Target for $7!
*Bonus points if you add a broom from your kitchen!

I just took a DNA test turns out I’m 100% THAT witch (sorry I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to use that hehe)
2. 80’s Workout Girl
My personal favorite! This is such a cute and timeless costume.

Leotard: Leotards are pretty easy to find. Mine is from Amazon.
Leggings: Any “fun” leggings you have will get the job done. Mine are once again, from Amazon (already owned).
Shoes: Just throw on your favorite sneakers! Mine are Adidas.
Accessories: I purchased this set from Amazon that included a headband, wristbands, and leg warmers, but you could always use things you already own to make this work. You can even add a few scrunchies if you’d like! This was also the perfect opportunity for me to wear my fanny pack!
*Bonus points for adding dumbells!

3. Pirate

Shirt: A white shirt (preferably a button-up). I borrowed this top from a friend, and knotted it to look more pirate-esque.
Shorts: Black bottoms…simple! My shorts are from American Eagle.
Shoes: Opted again for the black boots! Any boot will work though.
Accessories: Add an eye patch and a bandana to complete the look! My eyepatch and fishnet tights are from Amazon, and my bandana is from Etsy (which I already owned).

I hope this gave you a few ideas for a last minute costume :), have a safe Halloween friends!

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