I feel like I am constantly being asked questions about how I manage my time in PT school along with all of my other responsibilities (leadership roles, studying, family/friend times, blogging/Instagram, working, etc.), so today I am going to give you guys some tips to boost your productivity as a busy student! Here are 9 things that I actually use to manage my time:
1. Utilize a planner
It can be an old-fashioned paper planner, a digital planner, an iCalendar, or a Google calendar, but whatever it is, USE IT RELIGIOUSLY! My planner is my life, and I honestly would be so lost without it; it helps me keep everything organized. I am the type of person that has to write things down (so that things aren’t all jumbled in my head), so I prefer paper planners. For the past two years of PT school I have used and loved my Academic Passion Planner. For the upcoming year I decided to try something different, and I ordered a Daily LifePlanner Duo from Erin Condren. At the beginning of each semester, I like to take all my syllabi and write down every class time, assignment, exam, quiz, extracurricular activity, work shift, etc. that I have/am responsible for. This is actually something I look forward to doing (especially since I use pretty hi-lighters and pens), and it makes the semester ahead seem less daunting. I also keep some things in my iCalendar on my phone as well, just in case my planner isn’t with me.
2. Create to-do lists
These will keep you in CHECK ladies and gentlemen! Little tasks, big tasks, it doesn’t matter–write it out! There’s just something freeing about being able to cross/check a task off of your list. Sometimes while creating my to-do lists, I’ll also create a “study schedule” for myself, including how much time I want to dedicate to each subject, breaks, etc. I don’t always follow this to a T, but it is nice to have something structured to keep me on track.
3. Wake up earlier
Many of the most successful people in the world have (at least) one thing in common…THEY WAKE UP EARLY! Now I know this is easier said than done. Ya girl loves sleeping in and waking up at the last minute too. But who wants to go through the day feeling rushed, groggy, and sluggish? Not me, and probably not you! Create a morning routine that you’ll look forward to, and watch the magic happen. By waking up earlier, you’re giving yourself more productivity time. This time is often uninterrupted as well (as others are probably asleep), which is even better! My new morning routine (as of like 2 weeks ago honestly) involves waking up at least an hour before class, taking my time drinking my coffee/tea, journaling, and reading. I also use this time to plan out my day (that to-do list from earlier), and decide the things I want to get done.
4. Ask for help
It’s okay if you can’t do it all alone! Lean into your support system, I’m sure they will be happy to help you. This could also mean going to professors/faculty members for academic or personal help, or seeing a counselor or a psychiatrist for mental health help. I personally started seeing a counselor and psychiatrist at the end of my first year and this was a game-changer for me. Use your resources friends!
5. Avoid splitting your attention
If you’re like me then you probably like to multi-task. While you may think you’re getting two things done at once, you’re probably only exerting 50% of your effort on both tasks. Why not stick to one task at a time, allowing yourself to give 100% of your attention to it? I promise you will get things done faster if you just focus on ONE task at a time. Find a quiet space, put your phone away (the Forest App is a good way to do this), and FOCUS!
6. Keep track of deadlines
I have all of the deadlines for my classes (and other things) on a (digital) sticky note on my computer. I’ve seen people use a regular paper sticky note (and attach it to their computer), but I prefer digital ones. This helps me plan ahead, and ensure that there are no surprises in my schedule. You don’t want to fail a quiz simply because you forgot about it.
7. Make the most your commute time
If you have a 20 minute drive to school, use this time to listen to a podcast (maybe even an educational one!), an audiobook, lectures, etc. It will make the commute fly by, and you can also knock something off your to-do list. I do this when I travel back and forth to see my parents, and Jon.
8. Say “no”
It’s impossible to say yes to everything, so don’t even try to! I am definitely a people-pleaser, so this is something I still struggle with. Make time for the things that are most important to you, and don’t feel bad if you have to miss events or turn things down. It’s impossible to make it to EVERYthing, so cut yourself some slack!
9. Take breaks
And last but not least, remember that breaks are so important. Take a nap, go for a walk, watch a show…the possibilities are endless! And your brain will thank you for it! After a break you’ll feel refreshed, and ready to conquer the next task at hand. I like using the Pomodoro Technique when studying to getting things done. I try to focus for 30 minutes to an hour at a time, then give myself a much deserved break before starting on another task.
I hope this post helps you improve your productivity! Leave your favorite productivity tip down below 🙂

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