I’ve compiled a list of the most common terms and abbreviations that you’ll probably see while shadowing/working in the physical therapy field. I know this list would have been helpful to me as a pre-PT student (some of these terms I didn’t learn until I was already in PT school), so I hope that it is helpful for you!
- AAROM: Active Assistive Range of Motion
- ABD: Abduction
- AC: Acromioclavicular
- ACL: Anterior Cruciate Ligament
- AD: Assistive Device
- ADD: Adduction
- ADL: Activities of Daily Living
- AFO: Ankle Foot Orthosis (used to treat foot drop)
- AKA: Above Knee Amputation
- Amb: Ambulation
- AROM: Active Range Of Motion
- B or Bil: Bilateral
- BID: Twice a Day
- BKA: Below Knee Amputation
- BP: Blood Pressure
- CGA: Contact Guard Assist
- CKC: Closed Kinetic Chain
- CP: Cardiopulmonary or Cerebral Palsy
- CPM: Continuous Passive Motion
- CV: Cardiovascular
- DB: Dumbbell
- DF: Dorsiflexion
- D/t: Due To
- D/c: Discharge
- ER: External Rotation
- EOB: Edge of Bed
- Estim or ES: Electrical Stimulation
- EV: Eversion
- Ex: Exercise
- EXT: Extension
- FIM: Functional Independence Measure
- FLEX: Flexion
- FWB: Full Weight Bearing
- Fx: Fracture
- GH: Glenohumeral
- H/o: History of
- HEP: Home Exercise Program
- HOB: Head of Bed
- Horiz ABD: Horizontal Abduction
- Horiz ADD: Horizontal Adduction
- HR: Heart Rate
- Hx: History
- I: Independent
- Inv: Inversion
- IR: Internal Rotation
- ITB: Iliotibial Band
- KAFO: Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis
- LAQ: Long Arc Quad
- LCL: Lateral Collateral Ligament
- LE: Lower Extremity
- LOA: Level of Assist
- LTG: Long Term Goals
- L: Left
- LBQC: Large Base Quad Cane (aka Wide Base Quad Cane [WBQC])
- MCL: Medial Collateral Ligament
- MFR: Myofascial Release
- Mm: Muscle
- MMT: Manual Muscle Test
- Mobs: Mobilizations
- MinA: Minimum Assistance
- ModA: Moderate Assistance
- MaxA: Maximum Assistance
- NDT: Neurological Developmental Technique
- NMES: Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation
- Nn: Nerve
- N/T: Numbness and Tingling
- NWB: Non-Weight Bearing
- OKC: Open Kinetic Chain
- OOB: Out Of Bed
- PCL: Posterior Cruciate Ligament
- PF: Plantar Flexion
- PFS: Patellofemoral Syndrome
- PMH or PMHx: Past Medical History
- PNF: Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
- PRO: Pronation
- PROM: Passive Range of Motion
- PT: Physical Therapist
- Pt.: Patient
- PTA: Physical Therapy Assistant
- PWB: Partial Weight Bearing
- QC: Quad Cane
- QD: Every Day
- QID: Four Times A Day
- RC/RTC: Rotator Cuff
- RD: Radial Deviation
- RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
- ROM: Range of Motion
- Rot: Rotation
- RW: Rolling Walker
- R: Right
- RR: Respiratory Rate
- Rx: Treatment
- S: Without (Sans)
- SAQ: Short Arc Quad
- SB: Side Bending
- SBA: Stand By Assist
- SBQC: Small Base Quad Cane
- SC: Straight Cane
- SLR: Straight Leg Raise
- STM: Soft Tissue Mobilization
- SUP: Supination
- SW: Standard Walker
- S/o: Status Post
- TB: Theraband
- TENS: Transcutaneous Electrical Neuromuscular Stimulation
- THA: Total Hip Arthroplasty
- Ther Ex: Therapeutic Exercise
- TID: Three Times a Day
- TKA: Total Knee Arthroplasty
- TLSO: Thoracic Lumbar Sacral Orthosis
- TTWB: Toe Touch Weight Bearing
- UBE: Upper Body Ergometer
- UD: Ulnar Deviation (A motion of the wrist)
- UE: Upper Extremity
- US: Ultrasound
- W/c: Wheel Chair
- WBAT: Weight Bearing As Tolerated
- WC: Wheelchair
- WFL: Within Functional Limit
- WNL: Within Normal Limits
- WW: Wheeled Walker
If you have any terms that you think should be on this list, let me know! I will be updating it periodically if needed.

this is a delightful insight you have there!
thank you!