Meet PTCAS, your new best friend! Most of the DPT programs in the U.S. utilize PTCAS. As stated in the photo above, “The Physical Therapist Centralized Application Service (PTCAS) is a service of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). PTCAS allows applicants to use a single application and one set of materials to apply to multiple DPT programs.”. This is where all the magic happens!
Okay now let’s learn about PTCAS!
Once you have created your PTCAS account, your application dashboard will look like this:

There will be four sections at the top of the application screen:
“My Application“ will always be the default section opened when you log-in. Within this section, there are an additional four sections:

Below there will be a description of each section, along with what the section will entail:

This section is pretty self-explanatory.

Colleges Attended/Transcript Entry
Standardized Tests

Observation Hours
Where you will enter any achievements (awards, scholarships, dean’s list, honors, etc.). You will have to provide the achievement type, the name of the presenting organization, the issue date, and a brief description (600 character limit) of the achievement.
Licenses and Certifications

- In Progress: You have created an application but have not yet submitted it to PTCAS. Your programs will have access to your name, email address, and PTCAS ID number if you authorized PTCAS to release this information prior to submission.
- Received: You have submitted your PTCAS application, but PTCAS has not yet received all required official transcripts or payment. Your programs have electronic access to your application.
- Complete: You have submitted your PTCAS application, all required official transcripts, and fee payment to PTCAS, and your file is in queue for verification. You may still be missing other materials required by your programs, such as references. Your programs have electronic access to your application.
- Verified: PTCAS has processed your complete application, and it is fully available to your designated programs, including GPAs.
- Undelivered: PTCAS has released your application back to you to fix errors in “Coursework” or “Institutions Attended” sections. You must make corrections to your application and resubmit in order to continue processing. (Your programs do not have electronic access to your application while it is in this status.)
- On Hold: Your application has significant omissions or errors that need to be addressed before PTCAS can take any additional action on your file. (Your programs do not have electronic access to your application while it is in this status.)
- Your PTCAS application is submitted
- Your transcripts are received
- Your application fee is paid (per program)
General Tips
- Make sure that you are keeping up with your email, as this is how PTCAS will be sending you updates/notifications.
- Create a word document or excel spreadsheet NOW to start gathering the information for the “Supporting Information” section of the application. You should go ahead and write out contact information, your brief descriptions, dates, hours, titles, etc. for your Achievements, Observation Hours, References, and Experiences. Reference the sections above to see exactly what information you will need to get together. I wish I would have done this, because it would have saved me so much time.
- Reach out to your references EARLY! You want to give them enough time to write you a strong recommendation letter.
- Start thinking about your essay once the prompt is released. PTCAS usually releases the prompt on their twitter account toward the end of April.
- Take your time when entering all of this information, and double check your responses. You can have someone proofread them if you’d like.
- APPLY EARLY! The earlier you apply to programs, the better your acceptance chances will be (less competition)!

Hey girl! First off I want to say thank you for this post! Though I’m not yet ready to apply, the PTCAS is something I’ve always found intimidating to learn about. I’ve heard this application can be quite daunting! I had a couple of questions tho,
First, can you explain what you meant by “Your application will be considered ‘complete’ once:
Your PTCAS application is submitted
Your transcripts are received
Your application fee is paid (per program)
Once these steps are completed, your transcripts will be ready for verification. This may take up to 4-5 weeks, so do not wait until the last minute!”
I thought that we had to request and get our transcripts verified before we can even sumbit the application? And what exactly does it mean to “request” a transcript. Is that referring to me requesting it from every school I’ve attended, or do I have to request it through PTCAS? A bit confused on that part. Lol
Second, and his might be a dumb question lol, but can you observation hour verifier have to be the same person you choose as a reference? Because Im debating on who to ask for a LOR, and I wanted to get my hours verified by one of the PTs that have seen me there for that amount of time. But at the same time, I want my LOR to come from another PT who I have a great relationship with? (They’re both from the same place) Lol
Thank you!
Hey Melissa! Thanks for the comment! And you’re so welcome, I’m glad this was helpful!
1. Okay, you request for your transcripts to be sent to PTCAS prior to you submitting your application. PTCAS will receive them, and they will be verified once your application is submitted. Transcript verification is part of the total application verification process (I hope this makes sense). Your application cannot be verified without your transcripts. And you would request for your transcripts from your attended schools to be sent to PTCAS. You don’t do this through PTCAS, you do it through your school(s)’ transcript service. I have added a description from the PTCAS website about each application “status”, so I hope that this will clear some of your confusion.
2. No questions are dumb questions! And absolutely not! They can be two totally different people, or the same person if you’d like! For example, I shadowed at a pediatric outpatient clinic, and I had one PT verify my hours (she oversaw the volunteer program), while another PT wrote me a LOR. The PT that verified my hours offered to write me a LOR as well, but I felt that the other PT got to know me better.
Hope this answers your questions (:
Okay awesome! I get it now. Thanks for the tips! Other than transcripts, what portions of the application did you think took the longest?
No problem! And other than that, everything else was pretty fast! It was nerve-wracking waiting for my references because the Early Decision Deadline was so early, but that’s about it. Of course your essays also take a good bit of time but that’s expected.
Thanks for this post! I’ve been finding your blog so so helpful as I get later into undergrad and start prepping more to apply.
Question- does it have to be a PT who verifies your hours? For instance, I’ve worked in 2 clinics that are multidisciplinary. All my time was spent under the PT’s, but the people who oversaw and managed all the volunteers weren’t PTs (one was a nurse and one was an OT).
I’m so glad my blog has been helpful! I don’t think it has to be a PT, I’m sure it can be whoever oversaw your hours if it wasn’t specifically a PT.
Hope this helps!